Øyet og B12-mangel

Men det kan være ubalanse i B-ene:

 Hvilke som helst av B-vitaminene kan forårsake problemer hvis de ikke oppnås i høye nok konsentrasjoner, så det er derfor det påpekes at det er nyttig med et kompleks.  Siden disse alle er vannløselige vitaminer, er det mulig å tømme kroppen for B-vitaminer på relativt kort tid. Dette fører til symptomer mye raskere enn andre vitaminmangler, og kan slå ut alle kroppens organer. 

Hvert av B-vitaminene vil gi litt forskjellige symptomer, men ofte vil disse manglene oppstå sammen. 

Vitamin B1-mangel kan forårsake toksisk optisk nevropati som fører til tåkesyn og et begrenset synsfelt. 

Vitamin B2, B3 og B6 mangler er assosiert med tørre øyne og øyeinfeksjoner foran på øyet. 

Vitamin B12-mangel er assosiert med pernisiøs anemi og kan forårsake retinal blødning, ødeleggelse av nervevev og føre til permanent synstap.

Øyet og næringsmangler

Forhøyet serum Homocystein, lavt serum vitamin B12, folat og aldersrelatert makulær degenerasjon: Blue Mountains Eye Study

For å vurdere assosiasjoner mellom økt serumhomocystein, lavt vitamin B12, lite folat og aldersrelatert makulær degenerasjon (AMD).

Design Befolkningsbasert, tverrsnittsanalyse. Metoder Serumhomocystein, vitamin B12 og folat ble målt i 2335 deltagere av Blue Mountains Eye Study andre undersøkelse.

AMD påvist fra netthinnefotografier inkluderte atrofiske eller neovaskulære lesjoner.

Resultater: Etter justering for alder, kjønn og røyking i logistiske regresjonsmodeller, ble homocystein> 15 μmol / l assosiert med økt sannsynlighet for AMD hos deltakere i alderen <75 år (oddsforhold [OR] 3,21, 95% konfidensintervall [95% CI ] 1,09 til 9,43). 

En lignende forening ble funnet for vitamin B12 <125 pmol / l (ELLER 2,30, 95% KI 1,08 til 4,89) blant alle deltakerne. Hos deltakere med homocystein ≤15 μmol / l, var lavt serum B12 assosiert med nesten firedoblet høyere odds for AMD (ELLER 3,74, 95% KI 1,06 til 13,24). 

Folat var ikke statistisk signifikant assosiert med AMD. konklusjoner Økt homocystein og lite vitamin B12 var uavhengig assosiert med økt risiko for AMD i denne studiepopulasjonen.


American Journal of Ophthalmology

Volume 143, Issue 2, February 2007, Pages 344-346

Dessverre er disse artiklene i all hovedsak på engelsk. B12-Foreningen har ikke ressurser til å få oversatt disse profesjonelt. Men bruk gjerne oversettelsesprogram, de kan være en god hjelp.

Serum homocysteine, vitamin B 12 and folic acid levels in different types of glaucoma

  • Tongabay Cumurcu,
  • Semsettin Sahin &
  • Erdinc Aydin

BMC Ophthalmology volume 6, Article number: 6 (2006) | Download Citation

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  • 25 Citations

    Bakgrunn Intraokulært trykk (IOP) antas å være den mest betydningsfulle risikofaktoren i glaukom, men nyere bevis tyder på at vaskulære risikofaktorer også kan spille en rolle. Nedsatt mikrosirkulasjon og unormal perfusjon kan forårsake glaukomatisk skade i synsnerven. Anatomiske eller funksjonelle avvik fra karene i synsnerven, som arteriosklerose eller vaskulær dysregulering, kan være årsaken [1,2]. Metabolinmetabolismen via homocystein (Hcy) til cystein er en kompleks vei som involverer et enzym avhengig av vitamin B12, B6 og folsyre. Genetisk arvelige feil er de viktigste bestemmelsene for forhøyede nivåer av Hcy. Noen studier viste at forhøyet Hcy kan øke risikoen for vaskulære sykdommer i netthinnen, for eksempel retinal arterie og veneklokkasjon og ikke-artherittisk iskemisk optisk nevropati [3-7]. Hcy-indusert vaskulært problem kan være et multifaktorielt tilfelle, inkludert direkte toksisk skade på endotelet, stimulering av prolifer-



This study was performed to compare levels of serum homocysteine (Hcy), vitamin B12 and folic acid in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), pseudoexfoliative glaucoma (PEXG), normotensive glaucoma (NTG) and healthy controls.


Twentyfive patients with POAG, 24 with PEXG, and 18 with NTG, along with 19 control healthy subjects were included this prospective study. Levels of serum Hcy were measured using immunoassay, and those of serum vitamin B12 and folic acid were measured using competitive chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay.


The mean Hcy concentration in the PEXG group was significantly higher (P < 0.001) as compared to the other groups. There were no significant differences with respect to the mean Hcy concentrations among other groups (P > 0.05). There were no statistical differences in serum vitamin B12 levels among POAG, PEXG, NTG and control subjects (P > 0.05).

The mean serum folic acid level was significantly lower in the subjects with PEXG (P < 0.009). However, the mean folic acid concentrations among the other groups did not differ significantly (P > 0.05).


Elevated levels of Hcy in PEXG may explain the role of endothelial dysfunction among patients with PEXG.

Bilateral normal tension glaucoma: Can this be nutritional?

Sirisha Senthil and Kiranmaye TuragaAuthor information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer

Nutritional or toxic optic neuropathy (TON) is characterized by bilateral progressive loss of vision associated with dyschromotopsia and central or centrocecal scotomas.[1] Nutritional optic neuropathy (NON) is often misdiagnosed as normal tension glaucoma (NTG) due to similarities in disc changes, pattern of the field defect,[2] and retinal nerve fiber layer thinning. Vitamin B12 deficiency is specifically known to be associated with optic neuropathy. It is very important to differentiate the two conditions to avoid lifelong inappropriate treatment and their sequelae.

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Case Reports

Case 1

A 54-year-old man was diagnosed as NTG and was referred to us. His best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/30, and N12 in both the eyes. Color vision showed desaturation for all colors. There was early cataract and no relative afferent papillary defect (RAPD). Gonioscopy showed open angles in both eyes. Intraocular pressure (IOP) was 18 mmHg and 12 mmHg in the right and left eye, respectively. Fundus showed 0.7 cupping in right eye and 0.6 cupping in the left with temporal pallor and diffuse loss of nerve fiber layer (NFL) in the papillomacular bundle area (PMB) in both the eyes. With a suspicion of nutritional or TON, we revisited the history. He was a nonvegetarian by diet, nonalcoholic and nonsmoker, however had inflammatory bowel disease for 25 years and was on treatment for the same.

Case 2

A 33-year-old man who was suspected to have NTG and was referred. His BCVA was 20/40 and N6 in both eyes. Color vision was normal. The anterior segment was unremarkable with no RAPD. Gonioscopy showed open angles. IOP was 18 mmHg and 16 mmHg in the right and left eye, respectively. Fundus showed 0.8 cupping with temporal pallor and diffuse loss of NFL in the PMB region in both eyes. He was a strict vegetarian, nonsmoker, and nonalcoholic.

Case 3

A 13-year-old male presented with gradual decrease in vision in both eyes for 1 year. His BCVA was 20/80 for distance and N12 for near in the right eye; 20/50 for distance and N12 for near in the left eye. His anterior segment was unremarkable. Gonioscopy showed open angles. IOP was 18 mmHg and 12 mmHg in the right and left eye, respectively. Color vision showed desaturation for all colors. Fundus examination showed 0.7 cupping with temporal pallor and diffuse loss of NFL in the PMB region in both eyes. He was a strict vegetarian.

All the three cases were diagnosed at different places by general ophthalmologists as NTG and were prescribed topical anti glaucoma medications (AGMs).

Table 1 gives the results of hemogram, serum Vitamin B12, and folic acid levels of the three cases. The typical findings of NON on color fundus photographs [Figs. ​[Figs.1a,1a, ​,2a2a and ​and3a],3a], the HVF [Figs. ​[Figs.1b,1b, ​,2b2b and ​and3b].3b]. Moreover, optical coherence tomography (OCT) [Figs. ​[Figs.1c,1c, ​,2c,2c, ​,d,d, ​,3c3c and ​andd]d] are shown in the figures.

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