Bursitt og B12-injeksjoner

Vitamin B12 in acute subdeltoid bursitis.

Journal article : Industrial Medicine and Surgery 1957 Vol.26 pp.290-292


Abstract : Forty patients with acute bursitis, usually of the shoulder but occasionally of the hip or elbow, were successfully treated with 1000 µg. vitamin B12 by parenteral injection daily for 7 to 10 days and less often for several weeks .-D. Duncan.

Bursitt/ B12 fordeler

Forskning indikerer at vitamin B12-terapi kan gi økt smertelindring og helbredelse for bursitt.

Does bursitis B12 therapy really work? Well,...

"In the 33 years I've been recommending vitamin B 12 treatment, I've only seen it fail to relieve bursitis pain once. In every other case - even ones with the worst pain and swelling - vitamin B 12 injections have always taken care of the problem."

J. V. Wright, MD, Harvard University and University of Michigan

Doktor Asin forteller om  bursitt i denne videoen.

Shoulder Bursitis

  • Subacromial
  • Subdeltoid

Elbow Bursitis

  • Olecranon

Wrist Bursitis

  • Ulnar
  • Radial

Hip Bursitis

  • Trochanteric
  • Ischial / Ischio-gluteal
  • Iliopectineal / Iliopsoas

Knee Bursitis

  • Pre-patellar
  • Infra-patellar
  • Anserine


  • Achilles
  • (Retro)Calcaneal

Foot Bursitis

  • Bunion
  • Forefoot - (Inter)Metatarsal

Click on the type of bursitis you suffer from to get to know all about your aliment.

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Bursitt - B12-fordeler

Forskning indikerer at vitamin B12 - terapi kan gi akselerert smertelindring og helbredelse for leddplager, for eksempel bursitt ved å:

Stoppe betennelse i leddet ved å feste seg til proteiner som støtter cellens nøytrofile celler, som frigjør "agenter" for smerte og hevelse.

Gjenopprette funksjonen til myelin. Myelinkappen isolerer nervefibre slik at de effektivt kan overføre nerveimpulser. Hvis myelinet er skadet, fører avbrudd av nervesignaler til et bredt spekter av nevrologiske problemer, for eksempel leddsmerter.

Styrking av mineraltetthet av bein og ledd.

Bursitis B12 Benefits

Research indicates that Vitamin B12 therapy may provide accelerated pain relief and healing for joint conditions, such as bursitis by:

  • Stopping inflammation in the joint by attaching itself to proteins that support cells neutrophils, which release agents of pain and swelling.
  • Restoring the function of myelin. Myelin sheath insulates nerve fibers so they can efficiently transmit nerve impulses. If myelin is damaged, the interruption of nerve signals leads to a wide range of neurological issues, such as joint pain.
  • Strengthening mineral density of bones and joints.

Types of Bursitis B12 Therapy


In 1950s, Dr. I. S. Klemes took 40 sub-deltoid shoulder bursitis patients and gave them B-12 test injections. Nearly all of them felt pain relief within just a couple of hours. In about a month, all but three were completely bursitis free. Although there has not been done much more research on this, many doctors still use this method nowadays.

It's simple, although the approach can differ. Two examples:

  1. 1,000 mcg of B12 once a day for a week. Then once per 3 days. Then twice a week. Then once a week until the pain subsides.
  2. 2,000 mcg of B12 daily until the pain disappears.

Pain relief usually begins in two or three days after the initial injection. Complete elimination of pain may require up to 2 weeks.

Advantages of bursitis B12 shots:

  • Alternative for people who cannot absorb B12 through the digestive system as injections bypass the normal gastric absorbtion, going directly into the blood stream.
  • More effective in acute cases - again, because B12 is injected straight into the blood stream.